Doon Civil Academy provide quality competitive exams coaching in Dehradun for Banking PO / Clerk, SSC CGL, IAS / PCS & Other competitive exam. If you are preparing for one of these competitive exams then feel free to contact us.In order to crack the competitive exam, it is important that you have a strategy in place, and plan to prepare. We have a professional study structure to cater to the needs of competitive exam coaching in Dehradun.
UPSC Civil Services Examination
This exam is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission to hire civil servants for various departments and is one of the well renowned and high profile jobs in Top 10 Government Exams In India. These officials can affect the government’s decision-making. The officials work in secretariats and administrative positions.
They work in tax collection, social welfare, law, and developmental activities of the state. The referred posts include:
- Indian Administrative Services (IAS)
- Indian Foreign Service (IFS)
- Indian Police Service (IPS)
The minimum qualification is a bachelor’s degree. The candidate must be between 21 and 32 years of age. The salary package ranges from 1,20,000 to 2.5 lakh per month.
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection conducts this exam for hiring candidates for the Probationary Officers in various private and public sector banks. It is the first step in the Officer scale designations. The duties include administration, clerical activities and improving the bank’s business.
Graduation is the minimum eligibility. The maximum age limit is 30 years. Average salary is about 45,000 per month.
The State Bank of India conducts the exam for hiring candidates for the posts of Probationary Officers in their various branches. This also an entry-level position that sets you up for a bright future in banking.
The duties of a PO include administration, general banking, and cross-selling financial products.
Candidates must be a graduate from a recognised university and within 21-30 years of age. Average salary is around 45,000 per month.
This exam is conducted by the Staff Selection Commission for hiring employees for higher positions in different departments. The most popular designations include:
- Inspector of Income Tax
- Inspector (Central Excise)
- Inspector (Preventive Officer)
- Inspector (Examiner)
- Assistant Section Officer
- Statistical Investigator Gr. II
The employees mostly have to tackle daily administrative tasks. The minimum education qualification is a bachelor’s degree, but it varies for different posts. The age limit for the exam is 18-32 years. Average salary package is 30,000.
RBI Grade B Examination
The Reserve Bank of India conducts this exam for hiring candidates for various positions in the management cadre. These are entry-level officers. The average salary is around 68,000 approximately and the basic pay is around 35,000.
The minimum qualification is 60 % marks in class 12 and 10. The age group for the exam is 21-30 years.
RRB JE SSE Examination
The Railway Recruitment Board conducts this exam for hiring for different positions such as:
- Senior Section Engineer
- Junior Engineer
- Depot Material Superintendent
- Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant
For the Junior Engineer post, the minimum qualification required is a Diploma in engineering and he/she must be within 18-33 years. For SSE, a B.Tech along with relevant experience is needed. For them, the age limit is 20-34 years.
The average salary for JE is 42,000 and that of SSE is 45,000 per month.
The IBPS SO exam is conducted for hiring specialist officers in different posts such as:
- IT Officer
- Rajbhasha Adhikari
- HR Officer
- Law Officer
- Marketing Officer
- Agriculture Officer
The minimum education required is graduation or postgraduation in the relevant fields. The age limit is 20-30 years. The average salary for Scale 1 officers is 42,020, 45,950 for Scale 2 officers and 51,490 for Scale 3 officers.