SSC CGL 2022 answer key (tier-I) has been released by the Commission on May 2. Staff Selection Commission (SSC) released the tentative answer key and release the link to send the objections to the incorrect questions or answers. The candidates need to submit an objection fee of INR 100 for each objection. The candidates can send their objections by May 5 (5.00 PM). After considering the objections, the Commission will prepare the final answer key and based on the final answer key, the result will be released. The final answer key will be released after the declaration of the result.

What is SSC CGL?

SSC CGL is a national-level exam conducted by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) to shortlist candidates for Group-B and -C posts in various ministries/departments/organizations of the Government of India. Every year, about 30 lakh candidates fill out the SSC CGL application form and about 15 lakh aspirants appear for the exam. The Staff Selection Commission conducts the exam in four stages called tiers. The first two tiers of the Combined Graduate Level (CGL) exam are conducted in online mode. The next two tiers of the exam are held in offline mode.
SSC CGL 2022 Latest Updates
• May 2: SSC CGL Tier-I tentative answer key has been released
• April 26: SSC CGL Tier-II result has been released.
• April 11: SSC CGL 2022 Tier-I (CBT) exam started.
• SSC CGL result 2019 (final) has been declared online.
• SSC CGL 2022 Exam Highlights

Exam Name SSC CGL (Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level)
Conducting Body Staff Selection Commission (SSC)
Exam Level National level
Exam Frequency Once a year
Exam Mode Computer-Based Test (CBT) for Tier-I and Tier-II. Offline (pen and paper mode) for Tier-III, Offline Skill Test for Tier-IV
Total Registrations 10 Lakh approximately
Exam Duration Tier-I: 60 minutes (online) Tier-II: 120 minutes for each paper (online) Tier-III: 60 minutes (Offline) Tier-IV- 60 minutes (Offline)
Exam Purpose Selection of candidates for Group B and C posts in ministries/departments/ organisations of the Government of India
Exam Helpdesk No. 011-69999845
Official Website

SSC CGL 2022 Admit Card

SSC CGL 2022 admit cards will be released soon. The regional websites of SSC will release the application status and admit card for the candidates falling under their jurisdiction. The candidates need to download SSC CGL admit card from the regional website in a specified manner to appear in the exam. Admit card is the essential document required to get admission to the exam centre.

SSC CGL 2022 Exam Dates

SSC released important dates for all the exams. The important dates related to the SSC CGL exam are as follows:

SSC CGL Exam Events SSC CGL Exam Dates Salient Features
Notification 23-Dec-2021 SSC CGL 2022 recruitment notification was released on December 23
Application forms start datel 23-Dec-2021 The application process started on December 23, 2021
Exam Frequency Once a year Once a year
Exam Mode Computer-Based Test (CBT) for Tier-I and Tier-II. Offline (pen and paper mode) for Tier-III, Offline Skill Test for Tier-IV
Total Registrations 10 Lakh approximately
Exam Duration Tier-I: 60 minutes (online) Tier-II: 120 minutes for each paper (online) Tier-III: 60 minutes (Offline) Tier-IV- 60 minutes (Offline)
Exam Purpose Selection of candidates for Group B and C posts in ministries/departments/ organisations of the Government of India
Exam Helpdesk No. 011-69999845
Official Website

SSC CGL 2022 Admit Card

SSC CGL 2022 admit cards will be released soon. The regional websites of SSC will release the application status and admit card for the candidates falling under their jurisdiction. The candidates need to download SSC CGL admit card from the regional website in a specified manner to appear in the exam. Admit card is the essential document required to get admission to the exam centre.

SSC CGL 2022 Exam Dates

SSC released important dates for all the exams. The important dates related to the SSC CGL exam are as follows:

SSC CGL Exam Events SSC CGL Exam Dates Salient Features
Notification 23-Dec-2021 SSC CGL 2022 recruitment notification was released on December 23
Application forms start datel 23-Dec-2021 The application process started on December 23, 2021
Last date to submit the application online 23-Jan-2022 (23:30) This will be the last day to submit the application online. Fee payment can be done later.
Last date for online fee payment 25-Jan-2022 (23:30) The last date to pay the application fee in online mode
Total Registrations 10 Lakh approximately 10 Lakh approximately
Last date for the generation of offline Challan 26-Jan-2022 (23:30) The last date to generate the bank challan for offline fee payment
Last date for offline fee payment 27-Jan-2022 (23:30) The last date to pay the SSC CGL application fee in offline mode
Application Correction Window 28-Jan-2022 to 01-Feb-2022 (23:30) The candidates will be able to correct the details filled in the application.
SSC CGL Tier-I exam 2022 11-Apr-2022 to 21-Apr-2022 Tier-I exam 2022 will be conducted in the online mode
SSC CGL Tier-I result May-June (Tentative) The tier-I results will be released online
SSC CGL Tier-II exam July 2022 (Tentative) SSC CGL Tier-II exam will be conducted as CBT in online mode
SSC CGL Tier III exam July-August (Tentative) SSC CGL Tier III exam will be conducted offline in pen and paper mode

SSC CGL 2022 Application Form

The application form link was activated after the release of the official notification. The candidates can see here the SSC CGL 2022 application form filling process based on last year's application form. The last date to pay the application fee offline and online will be released in the official notification.
How to apply for SSC CGL 2022 Exam?
Candidates would have to fill SSC CGL 2022 application form on the official website of the Commission in two parts - registration and application.
The steps to fill out the application form are given below.
Step 1: Visit the official website of SSC -
Step 2: Click on the 'New User? Register Now 'link.
Step 3: Fill the SSC CGL registration form.
Step 4: Log in to the registered account using the registration number (generated at the time of registration) and password (set at the time of registration).
Step 5: Fill in all details asked in the SSC CGL application form.
Step 6: Upload scanned images of photos and signatures and other important documents, if applicable.
Step 7: Review the SSC online form carefully and click on the Final Submit button.
Step 8: Pay the application fee of INR 100 in online or offline mode.
SSC CGL Photo and Signature Scanned Images Specifications
Candidates had to upload the scanned images of the photo and signature in JPEG/JPG format as per the specifications given below:

Photo size 20-50 KB
Signature size 10-20 KB

SSC CGL 2022 Application Fee Candidates could pay the SSC CGL application fee of INR 100 in online or offline mode via SBI challan/BHIM UPI/internet banking/credit card/debit card. However, all females and candidates belonging to reserved categories such as Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Persons with Disability (PwD) and Ex-Servicemen (ESM) were exempted from the application fee payment.
SSC CGL 2022 Eligibility
SSC CGL 2022 eligibility criteria vary as per the post applied by the candidate. However, given below is the basic criteria that candidates need to fulfil in order to meet SSC CGL eligibility:
• Nationality/citizenship: A candidate must be either a citizen of India, a person of Indian origin, a subject of Nepal/Bhutan or a Tibetan refugee
• Age limit: A candidate should be between 18 and 32 years
• Educational qualification: A candidate should complete a bachelor’s degree from a recognised university or institute
The candidates can read and understand here the SSC CGL 2022 eligibility conditions.

SSC CGL Selection Process 2022

SSC CGL selection process will include the following stages/tiers:
Application process: Candidates need to fill out the application form online on the official website of the commission in a specified manner. The application fee is INR 100.
Tier-I admit cards: SSC regional websites release the admit for the Tier-I exam. The candidates need to download their admit cards from these regional SSC websites in a specified manner.
Tier-I exam: Tier-I is a Computer-Based Test (CBT) that contains objective-type Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) of 200 marks.
Tier-I result: The result is declared by SSC on its official website within 45 days of the exam. The result contains the names and/or roll numbers of candidates qualifying for the Tier-II exam.
Tier-II admit card: Eligible candidates need to download their admit cards for the Tier-II exam from the official regional websites. The admit card is typically released about one week before the exam.
Tier-II exam: Tier-II is again a CBT that is divided into four papers.
Tier-II result: The result for tier-II is declared on the official website of the commission in the form of a merit list. Candidates clearing the tier-II exam are called to appear for the Tier-III paper.
Tier-III admits card: The Tier-III exam is conducted after the Tier-III exam and the gap between the exams is from one week to ten days only. So the Tier-II admit cards are released after the Tier-II admit cards.
Tier-III exam: Tier-III is a pen-and-paper based exam that is descriptive in nature.
Tier-III result: Similar to tier-I and -II results, candidates can check CGL results for tier-III also in online mode only. Candidates clearing the tier-III exam need to appear for the final stage – Tier-IV.
Tier-IV admit card: Like admit cards for other tiers, Tier-IV admit cards are also available for download on the regional websites of SSC • Tier-IV exam: In tier-IV, SSC conducts either a computer proficiency test, skill test or document verification, as per the post applied by the candidate. SSC CGL tier-IV is only a qualifying paper. It means that marks scored by candidates in tier-IV are not calculated at the time of declaration of the final result.
SSC CGL result: Final result is announced based on candidates' performance in tier-I, tier-II and tier-III exams. All qualifying candidates are then allotted Group-B and C posts in various ministries/departments/organisations of the Government of India.
SSC CGL 2022 UFM Rules
SSC released a detailed notification regarding the rules related to the unfair means in the CGL exam. The candidates need to understand these rules because a large number of candidates were debarred from the exam process due to these rules

SSC CGL 2022 Exam Pattern

SSC CGL exam pattern is notified in the official advertisement of the exam. The candidates should internalize the exam pattern so that they can focus on the preparation of each tier of the exam. The SSC CGL exam pattern will guide the students regarding the structure of the paper also.
SSC CGL 2022 Preparation
SSC CGL exam preparation requires a lot of hard work as well as smart work. As the foremost step towards effective SSC CGL preparation 2022, candidates must be well-versed with the syllabus and pattern of the exam. Thereafter, the right set of SSC CGL books is necessary to gain a clear and complete understanding of the subjects and topics covered in the SSC CGL syllabus. Attempting SSC CGL mock tests and practicing previous year question papers is also important to gain the required confidence and improve time management skills.

SSC CGL 2022 Exam Pattern

SSC CGL exam pattern is notified in the official advertisement of the exam. The candidates should internalize the exam pattern so that they can focus on the preparation of each tier of the exam.
SSC CGL 2022 Preparation
SSC CGL exam preparation requires a lot of hard work as well as smart work. As the foremost step towards effective SSC CGL preparation 2022, candidates must be well-versed with the syllabus and pattern of the exam. Thereafter, the right set of SSC CGL books is necessary to gain a clear and complete understanding of the subjects and topics covered in the SSC CGL syllabus. Attempting SSC CGL mock tests and practicing previous year question papers is also important to gain the required confidence and improve time management skills.

SSC CGL 2022 Vacancies

SSC CGL vacancy list will be released in the official advertisement of the exam. SSC can revise the number of vacancies notified for the exam. As per the SSC CGL vacancy list released by SSC on February 8, 2021, the total number of vacancies in the SSC CGL Exam 2020 is 7913. In the SSC CGL 2019, a total of 9,488 vacancies had been released. Out of these, 8,582 vacancies are for the major 34 Group-B and -C posts. Check out the SSC CGL posts for which vacancies are usually released by Staff Selection Commission:

SSC CGL Posts 2022

SSC CGL posts are classified into the following three categories:
• Group ‘B’ Gazetted
• Group ‘B’ Non-Gazetted
• Group ‘C’
There are only two positions that are Group B Gazetted. The details of the posts are Pay Level-8 (INR 47600 to 151100)

Name of Post Ministry/Department/Office/ Cadre Age Limit
Assistant Audit Officer Indian Audit & Accounts Department under C&AG Not exceeding 30 years.
Assistant Accounts Officer Indian Audit & Accounts Department under C&AG Not exceeding 30 years

The rest of the posts are given as under.

Post: Assistant Audit Officer Department: Indian Audit & Accounts Department under C&AG Post: Inspector (Examiner) Department: CBIC
Post: Assistant Accounts Officer Department: Indian Audit & Accounts Department under C&AG Post: Assistant Enforcement Officer Department: Directorate of Enforcement, Department of Revenue
Post: Assistant Section Officer Department: Central Secretariat Service Post: Sub Inspector Department: Central Bureau of Investigation
Post: Assistant Section Officer Department: Central Secretariat Service Post: Sub Inspector Department: Central Bureau of Investigation
Post: Assistant Section Officer Department: Intelligence Bureau Post: Inspector Posts Department: Department of Post
Post: Assistant Section Officer Department: Ministry of Railway Post: Inspector Department: Central Bureau of Narcotics
Post: Assistant Section Officer Department: Ministry of External Affairs Post: Assistant Department: Other Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations
Post: Assistant Section Officer Department: AFHQ Post: Assistant Superintendent Department: Other Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations
Post: Assistant Department: Other Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations Post: Divisional Accountant Department: Offices under C&AG
Post: Assistant Department: Other Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations Post: Sub Inspector Department: National Investigation Agency (NIA)
Post: Assistant Section Officer Department: Other Ministries/ Departments/ Organizations Post: Junior Statistical Officer Department: M/o Statistics &Programme Implementation
Post: Inspector (Central Excise) Department: CBIC Post: Statistical Investigator Grade-II Department: Registrar General of India
Post: Inspector (Preventive Officer) Department: CBIC

SSC CGL Group-C Posts

Post: Inspector of Income Tax Department: CBDT Post: Senior Secretariat Assistant/ Upper Division Clerks Department: Central Govt. Offices/ Ministries other than CSCS cadres
Post: Auditor Department: Offices under C&AG Post: Tax Assistant Department: CBDT
Post: Auditor Department: Other Ministry/ Departments Post: Tax Assistant Department: CBIC
Post: Auditor Department: Offices under CGDA Post: Sub Inspector Department: Central Bureau of Narcotics
Post: Accountant Department: Offices under CGDA Post: Upper Divisions Clerk Department: Dte. Gen Border Road Organisation (MoD) (Post is only for male candidates with higher physical and medical standards given at Annexure-XVI)
Post: Accountant/ Junior Accountant Department: Other Ministry/ Departments