About SSC Stenographer exam

SSC Stenographer exam is conducted by the staff selection commission of India to recruit eligible candidates for the posts of Grade C and Grade D stenographers for different central government organizations. The recruitment exam is conducted every year during December. And the staff selection commission of Indian releases the SSC stenographer exam date, notification, vacancies, and Eligibility, etc on its official website http://ssc.nic.in

There are two levels of the examination. They are:

Computer-based exam

Skill Test

Candidates who qualify for the computer-based exam will appear for the Skill Test. Furthermore, the candidate who qualifies for the Skill test is selected for the Grade C and Grade D stenographers.


SSC Steno


Central Government


Recruitment of Grade C and D stenographers.


New Delhi


Sujata Chaturvedi, IAS

Table of Contents

About SSC Stenographer exam

SSC Stenographer Notification/News

SSC Stenographer Exam Date

SSC Stenographer Application Fee

SSC Stenographer Eligibility Criteria

SSC Stenographer Vacancies

How to Apply for SSC Stenographer

SSC Stenographer Admit card

SSC Stenographer Exam Syllabus

SSC Stenographer Exam Pattern

SSC Stenographer Salary

SSC Stenographer Results

SSC Stenographer cut off marks

SSC Stenographer Notification/News

The official notification of SSC Stenographer 2022 w1ll released on December 05, 2022, which was delayed due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Online Applications are to open for before December 31, 2022. However, according to recent updates the SSC Stenographer exam date, notifications, Vacancies, and Eligibility have been released on the official website http://ssc.nic.in

Below are the Important Details of the SSC Stenographer exam notification for 2022 which was rescheduled:

SSC Stenographer Notification Date

December 05, 2022

SSC Stenographer Online Application Start Date

To be published later

SSC Stenographer Online Application Last Date

Decemebr 31, 2022

SSC Stenographer Online Fee Payment Last Date

To be published later

SSC Stenographer Last Date For Offline Challan Generation

To be published later

SSC Stenographer Fee Payment Last Date Through Challan

To be published later

SSC Stenographer Exam Date

April 2023

SSC Stenographer Tier-1 Answer Key Date

To be published later

SSC Stenographer Tier 1 Result Date

To be published later

SSC Stenographer 2021 Tier 2 Exam Date

To be Published later

SSC Stenographer 2021 Tier 2 Result Date

To be published later

SSC Stenographer 2021 Final Result Date

To be published later

SSC Stenographer Exam Date

The Staff selection commission releases exam dates for SSC Stenographer on its official website http://ssc.nic.in this year’s exam Dates is as follows:



Examination Date

To be Published later

Last date of Registration

Decemebr 31, 2022

SSC Stenographer Application Fee

As per the Staff selection commission, the application fees for the SSC Stenographer examination are Rs 100/- for all categories. And the payment is done online.


Application Fees


Rs 100/-

SC/ST/ Ex-servicemen

Rs 100/-

SSC Stenographer Eligibility Criteria

As per SSC Stenographer Notification 2022, the following eligibility criteria for the exam to are:

Education Qualification:

A candidate is required to be at least a 12th pass from a recognized Board or University. He/she must be able to produce the required documents when asked for verification after qualifying for the SSC Stenographer Exam.


Candidates must be Indian Citizens or any of the following categories:

– A Subject of Nepal, or

– A Subject of Bhutan, or

– A Tibetan refugee who came to India before January 1, 1962, to permanently settle in India, or

– A Person of Indian origin who migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (Formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, and Vietnam to permanently settle in India. Provided that these candidates except Indian citizens produce a certificate of eligibility issued by the Government of India at the time of appointment.

Age Limit (As of 01st August 2021)

– The candidate must be in the age domain of 18-30 years to be eligible for the SSC Stenographer Grade C exam.
– And he/she must be in the age domain of 18-27 years to be eligible for the SSC Stenographer Grade D exam.

Category Age limit


5 years


3 years

PwD (unreserved)

10 years


13 years


15 years


03 years after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on closing date of receipt of online application

Defense Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof

3 years

Defense Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof (SC/ ST)

8 years

Central Govt. Civilian Employees: Who have rendered not less than 3 years regular and continuous service as on closing date for receipt of online applications

40 years

Central Govt. Civilian Employees: Who have rendered not less than 3 years regular and continuous service as on closing date for receipt of online applications for (SC/ ST)

45 years

Widows/ Divorced Women/ Women judicially separated and who are not remarried.

35 years

Widows/ Divorced Women/ Women judicially separated and who are not remarried (SC/ ST )

40 years

SSC Stenographer Vacancies

The Vacancy 2022 for Grade C and D SSC Stenographer is given in the tabular form:

Post name

Vacancies Vacancy(2019-20)

Stenographer Grade ‘D’


Stenographer Grade ‘C’


How to Apply for SSC Stenographer

Click on the official link http://ssc.nic.in.

Then click on the link of Apply Link given on the page. A registration link will open up in the new window.

Click on New Registration in SSC Stenographer 2022 application window. Then click on the register button.

Candidates need to provide personal credentials like name, parents’ name, date of birth, email id, mobile number, etc.

Click on the submit button to complete the online registration form of SSC Stenographer. All the candidates will be issued a Registration ID for SSC Stenographer Grade C & D Exam. Then, log in with the provided Registration ID, date of birth, and password to complete registration for SSC Stenographer 2022.

In the next step, upload a photograph and signature following the requisites mentioned by SSC.

Log in with registered ID and password to fill up Part-2 of the application form of SSC Stenographer.

After filling up the application form, candidates need to preview the application form of the SSC Stenographer once to verify the entire data entered

Click on the Final Submit button after verifying the entire online SSC Stenographer application form 2022.

Candidates can download and get print copies of the submitted application form of SSC Stenographer 2021. Finally, submit the application fee for SSC Stenographer 2022 either via online mode or offline mode of fee payment. A candidate must pay Rs. 100/- as SSC Stenographer 2022 Online Application Fee.

SSC Stenographer Admit card

The admit card of the SSC stenographer is released on the official website and it can be downloaded in the following way:

Visit the official website of SSC http://ssc.nic.in

Follow the link ‘download SSC Stenographer Admit Card 2022’

Enter the details asked such as roll number, date of birth, candidate’s name, etc.

Post verification of the entered details, click on Submit

Download the Admit Card if the information mentioned on it is correct.

Print admit card for further necessary application.

SSC Stenographer Admit card is available on the website 2 weeks before the date of the exam. There is a different SSC Stenographer Admit card for both written examination and skill test. The discrepancies related to the SSC Stenographer Admit card are to be rectified at the Regional centers for different states.

SSC Stenographer Exam Syllabus

For qualifying the SSC Stenographer, you need to know the detailed Syllabus of the SSC Stenographer. The major topics are General Awareness, General Intelligence/Reasoning, and English Language, at which a candidate needs to score well for Paper-1 of the SSC Stenographer 2022 Exam. For Paper-2, i.e. Skill test, the candidate have to write dictated words:

80 words per minute (w.p.m.) for the post of Stenographer Grade D, and

100 w.p.m. for the post of Stenographer Grade C.

The topics in each Section are:

General Awareness

English Language and Comprehension

General Intelligence and Reasoning



Arithmetic Computation



Number Series

Current Affairs


Visual Memory

Awards and Honors

Sentence Structure

Blood Relation

SSC Stenographer Exam Pattern

SSC Stenographer 2022 will be a computer-based exam having multiple-choice questions.

The question papers will be set in both English and Hindi (except for the English language section).

Each question carries 1 mark and 0.25 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.

SSC Stenographer exam pattern is explained below in detail:


Number of Questions

Maximum Marks

Total Duration

General English and Intelligence



Cumulative time duration of 2 Hours

General Awareness



English Language and Comprehension




200 Questions

200 Marks

120 Minutes

SSC Stenographer Salary

The pay scales of the SSC stenographer are as follows:

Grade C salary generally ranges between Rs 9,300 and Rs 34,800.

Grade D salary generally ranges between Rs 5,200 and Rs 20,200.


Grade C (In Rs)

Grade D (In Rs)

Pay Scale



Pay Band

4,200 or 4,600 (Pay Grade 2)

2,400 (Pay grade 1)

Initial Salary



Basic salary



SSC Stenographer Results

The Result of the SSC Stenographer is released on the official website http://ssc.nic.in

Candidates who pass the written test are eligible to sit for the skill test in SSC Stenographer 2022.

Post skill test, the Commission releases a Final Merit List or Allotment List on the official website.

Candidates included in the merit list are recommended for an appointment by the commission.

They are allocated to User Departments depending upon the merit position and options exercised by them.

SSC Stenographer cut off marks

The SSC Stenographer cut off marks is released on the official website http://ssc.nic.in

Candidates qualified for Skill Test (Stenographer Grade ‘C’)


Cutoff Marks













Candidates qualified for Skill Test (Stenographer Grade ‘D’)


Cutoff Marks







Ex. S






